Mount Bromo Excursion From Surabaya Airport,Train Station

Mount Bromo Excursion From Surabaya Airport,Train Station – Surabaya is one of the most popular transit cities to Bromo for tourists. Because this city has easy access and complete facilities, such as hotel accommodations, international airports, train stations and direct toll road access to Bromo.

Mount Bromo Excursion Surabaya

Starting a Mount Bromo Excursion Package from Surabaya can be the best and most efficient choice. Because it is private, you will not be combined with other participants, some tour packages that people often travel from airports, stations and even hotels in Surabaya are, Bromo Midnight Tour Packages where this only takes a day without staying overnight, Mount Bromo Excursion tour packages 2 days 1 night , Bromo Ijen Crater Tour Package 3 Days 2 nights, below are some schedules and prices for Mount Bromo Excursion tour packages from Surabaya Airport, train stations and hotels in Surabaya City

Mount Bromo Excursion 1Day Tour

  • 23.00Night – 00.00Night: Start / pick up participants at the designated Meeting Point (Airport / Station / Hotel / Other places according to request)
  • 00.00 – 02.30 am : The Bromo trip begins, from Surabaya (Meeting Point) participants will go directly to one of Bromo’s entrances, namely Wonokitri Pasuruan / Sukapura Probolinggo (the selected route will be determined further).
  • 02.30 am – 03.30 am : Arriving at the entrance of Bromo / rest area, participants can rest for a while and get ready to change vehicles using a Jeep / Toyota Hardtop 4X4.
  • 03.30am – 04.30am: Mount Bromo Excursion activity begins by heading to the first spot to see the sunrise, the destination is Penanjakan Hill, Cinta, Seruni (choose one according to conditions in the field).
  • 04.30 am – 06.00 am : Time to see Sunrise, participants will see the seconds of the appearance of a very beautiful sunrise.
  • 06.00 am – 07.00 am: After watching the sunrise, participants will be invited to descend to Bromo Caldera and continue the journey to Bromo Active Crater. participants can climb the crater on foot or rent a horse to the crater (horse rental fees are not included in the tour package / borne by the participant).
  • 07.00 am – 08.00 am: After seeing the crater directly, participants will go back and can stop by Bromo Temple which is in the middle of the caldera.
  • 08.00 am – 09.00 am: The journey continues to visit the Sea of ​​Sand spot or commonly called Whispering Sand.
  • 09.00 am – 11.00 am: The trip ends by visiting the Padang Savana spot or Teletubbies Hill, participants can take photos with a very wide and green meadow background.
  • 10.30am – 11.30am: Mount Bromo Excursion Tour From Surabaya is over, participants will be invited back to the Bromo rest area to change vehicles and get ready to go home.
  • 11.30 – 14.00 : Return journey to Surabaya city (can be at the airport / station / hotel or other place on request).

Price Of Mount Bromo Midnight 

IDR 650,000,- / Each Person


  • Car/ Elf Long, Hiace/ 30 Seat Micro Bus/ 60 Seat Macro Bus
  • Jeep Hardtop
  • Fuel During the Trip
  • Parking during the Trip
  • Tickets and insurance for Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park
  • Snacks and Minerals
  • Face mask
  • Tour Guide

Mount Bromo Excursion 2 Days 1 Night

Day – 1 Surabaya Sirport / Train Station

  • Pick up participants at the Surabaya city meeting point, station/airport at 08.00 to 09.00 WIB.
  • After that proceed to the Mount Bromo Tour Area to stay at the hotel that has been provided by us in the package
  • Check in hotel then have dinner from 07.00 PM to 09.00 PM then rest until the time is 03.00 am, to start the Mount Bromo Sunrise tour.

Day – 2 Mount Bromo Sunrise Tour – Transfer Surabaya Airport / Train station

  • At 02.30am we will wake you up to get ready to start the tour using a jeep to the top of Mount Bromo sunrise Tour
  • 03.30 You have to take a jeep to get to the sunrise spot at Penanjakan / Kingkong Hill. Arriving at Penanjakan, while waiting for the sunrise, you can enjoy a cup of coffee and fried tempeh typical of Tengger.
  • After you finish enjoying the beautiful sunrise and the sun starts to rise, we will take you down to the desert / jeep parking limit to go to Mount Bromo crater.
  • From the jeep parking to the crater you can walk or rent a horse (excluded), but to go up to the crater rim you have to walk up the stairs totaling -+250 pieces.
  • The next destination is desert / whispering sand, at this spot you will be taken to enjoy the sensation of an off-roader in the desert while enjoying the whispers of the sand blowing in the wind.
  • The last destination is to enjoy the beautiful expanse of green savanna and small hills of teletubbies. At 10.00, explore Bromo is finished and return to the city of Malang & Batu.
  • Surabaya Mount Bromo Excursion Tour 2 days 1 night ends, see you again on the next tour.

Price Of Mount Bromo 2 Days 1 Night

IDR 1.900,000,- / Each Person ( Minimum 2 Persons )


  • Car/ Elf Long, Hiace/ 30 Seat Micro Bus/ 60 Seat Macro Bus
  • Jeep Hardtop
  • Fuel During the Trip
  • Hotel in Bromo Area + Breakfast
  • Parking during the Trip
  • Tickets and insurance for Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park
  • Snacks and Minerals
  • Face mask
  • Tour Guide

How to register or reserve this Bromo Tour Package?

Very easy! Contact us via Whatsapp or order via the website by clicking the “add to basket” button, specify the departure schedule for this Bromo Tour Package and make an advance payment to the account that we will show later (minimum 50%) and make payment when you leave!

Are There Other Bromo Tour Packages?

We do not only provide Bromo Tour Packages, but to other interesting places such as:

  1. Ijen Crater / Kawah Ijen Tour 2 Days 1 Night
  2. Mount Bromo Ijen Crater Bali Tour 6 Days 5 Nights
  3. Bali Ijen Crater Mount Bromo Yogyakarta Tour 4 Days 3 Nights
  4. Mount Bromo Ijen Crater Tour 3 Days 2 Nights
  5. Mount Bromo Malang Tour 3 Days 3 Nights
  6. Mount Bromo Tour From Singapore Surabaya
  7. Mount Bromo Midnight Tour 1 Day
  8. Mount Bromo Tour 2 Days 1 Night
  9. Mount Semeru Trekking Mount Bromo Tour 4 Days 3 Nights
  10. Mount Bromo Tour Rafting Songa 3 Days 2 Nights
  11. Mount Bromo Tour Tanjung Papua Beach 3 Days 2 Nights
  12. Mount Bromo Ijen Crater Sukamade Beach 4 Days 3 Nights
  13. Mount Bromo Milky Way Tour 2 Days 1 Night
  14. Ijen Crater Mount Bromo Malang 4 Days 3 Nights
  15. Mount Semeru Trekking Tour 3 Days 2 Nights
  16. Ijen Crater Savana Baluran Tour 3 Days 2 Nights
  17. Mount Bromo Rafting Songa Ijen Crater Tour 4 Days 3 Nights
  18. Yogyakarta Mount Bromo Ijen Crater Tour 4 Days 3 Nights
  19. Kumbolo Lake Tour 3 Days 2 Nights
  20. Yogyakarta Tour 4 Days 3 Nights

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