Mount Bromo Sharing Tour Package From Probolinggo/Malang

Mount Bromo Sharing Tour From Probolinggo/Malang – Mount Bromo tour sharing package from hotels, stations in Probolinggo, Invites You to Enjoy a Trip One of the Best Sunrise View Spots in Indonesia which is a world tourist attraction

Bromo Tour Packages from Probolinggo are a very popular route for group tourists who want to visit the famous natural tourist destinations of Mount Bromo. Whether it’s a vacation tour with your friends, family, or colleagues.

While spending the night or staying first in the area around the tourist area of ​​Mount Bromo via Probolinggo, East Java and in the morning exploring the beauty of Mount Bromo.


Sharing Tour Package To Mount Bromo

We offer this Mount Bromo Tour Package from Probolinggo/ Malang so that you feel the experience of exploring Bromo trips in a very safe, comfortable and fun way and the price is quite cheap

We will take you along the sea of ​​​​sand, in the dark of the night before heading to the sunrise view spot in Penanjakan.

To wait for the magnificent view of the sunrise accompanied by views of the stars in the sky along your journey.

Taking selfies in the Widodaren Valley, along the vast desert sea, seeing up close the Pura Luhur Giri Ponten and the majestic Mount Batok.

Then explore the majestic crater of Mount Bromo, enjoy the green savanna and teletubies hills, and hear firsthand the whispering sand which is phenomenal.

Interesting is not the Bromo Tour Package trip from Probolinggo via Sukapura that we offer.

Price For Mount Bromo Sharing Tour Package 

package trip to Bromo From Probolinggo / Malang

  • 2 PAX Rp. 650.000/Person
  • 3 PAX Rp. 550.000/Person
  • 4 PAX Rp. 450.000/Person
  • 5 PAX Rp. 450.000/Person
  • 6 PAX Rp. 450.000/Person
  • 7 PAX Rp. 450.000/Person

Mount Bromo Tour Package Facilities From Probolinggo

  • Jeep Bromo (Rest area of Mount Bromo via Sukapura / Malang or the entrance to Mount Bromo)
  • Local Driver Bromo
  • JEEP Fuel Oil
  1. Explore Bromo Tourism Destinations from Probolinggo Complete Point
  2. Sunrise climbing / kingkong hill
  3. Widodaren Valley
  4. A close look at Mount Batok
  5. A close look at Giri Luhur Ponten Temple
  6. Mount Bromo Crater
  7. Bromo Whispering Sand
  8. Bromo savanna
  9. Mount Teletubies Bromo
  • Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park Entrance Ticket

Exclude Tour

  • Transportation or return tickets to the meeting point in Sukapura, Probolinggo, East Java.
  • Personal expenses.
  • Eat During the Tour.
  • The cost of renting a horse and an Ojek for Mount Bromo.

Itinerary Tour Bromo From Probolinggo/ Malang

  • 02.00 – 02.30 : Meeting Point at Probolinggo / Malang tourist area rest area, Participants, picked up using JEEP 4WD / Hardtop Vehicle
  • 03.00 – 04.00 : Sunrise View Spot, Penanjakan Peak (Optional Bukit Cinta / Bukit Kingkong)
  • 04.00 – 06.00 : Waiting & enjoying the sunrise at the sunrise view spot
  • 06.00 – 09.00 : Acacia Hill (Widodaren Valley) – Luhur Ponten Temple – climb the crater of Mount Bromo, walk / rent a horse (exclude Tour)
  • 09.00 – 10.00 : Participants of Bromo Tour Package from Probolinggo Continue the journey & visit Padang Savana – Teletubbies Hill – Whispering Sand.
  • 10.00 – 11.00 : Travel back to Bromo Tour rest area.
  • 11.00 : Bromo Tour Package from Probolinggo via Sukapura ended happily with us.

Mount Bromo Tour Package Vacation Tips 

  • Use comfortable clothes when traveling. Bromo tour package from probolinggo / Malang
  • Use a warm jacket because when is carried out, the temperature in the Bromo area reaches 5-10 degrees Celsius.
  • Socks and Shoes.
  • Prepare personal medicines.
  • Bring Camera and Power Bank.
  • Take care of the environment around Bromo Tour by throwing garbage in its place.
  • Glasses
  • sunblock

What are the advantages of Bromo Tour Packages from Probolinggo / Malang Private compared to other regular travel program trips?

  • Feel more comfortable and not bothered by other participants
  • The luggage of the trip participants is safer
  • Trip participants can ask to stop anywhere to take pictures
  • Trip participants have free time to enjoy the beauty of Mount Bromo

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