How To Travel To Mount Bromo From Jakarta Or Bali Indonesia?

How to Travel to Mount Bromo From Jakarta Indonesia – Who can’t wait to have a vacation to Mount Bromo?
If there is a question, what is the most famous mountain in Indonesia, it seems that no one can beat Mount Bromo as the answer. With access conditions that are far better than other mountains that require trekking for hours, Mount Bromo is indeed an ideal hiking destination for anyone.

The popularity of this mountain is very high, and it is a dream place for anyone interested in trying the experience of seeing a mountain sunset. Moreover, if you visit it after #stayathome because of the corona virus pandemic. Wow, it will definitely be refreshing to see the natural beauty in Bromo after all this time only looking at the walls of the house!

Then how do you go to Mount Bromo, and what should you do? To help you out, Klook has prepared a complete travel guide to Mount Bromo to help you during your vacation after the corona virus pandemic ends! Check out the details below.

Visit Mount Bromo From Jakarta 

How To Travel To VIsit Mount Bromo From Jakarta In

To visit Mount Bromo from Jakarta or from anywhere in Indonesia, there are two options:
Via Malang or via Surabaya.

If you want to explore the iconic city of Surabaya, you can still go to Bromo via Surabaya City.

But Malang is the ideal starting point for visiting Mount Bromo, as it is closer to the Mount Bromo area than the city of Surabaya. However, if you only visit Mount Bromo, it’s better if you immediately buy a train or plane ticket to Malang.

Visit Mount Bromo From Surabaya Or Malang

  1. To visit Mount Bromo from Surabaya or Malang, the best way you can choose is to use a tour package. Through the tour package, you will be picked up at the hotel or at the location you choose, then you will go straight to Bromo. So, you no longer need to think about transportation and entrance tickets to Mount Bromo, which, if you manage it yourself, would be a hassle.
  2. Meanwhile, if you are from Malang, look for transportation that will take you to the Tumpang Market. If you have trouble, you can go first to Arjosari Terminal by public transportation, from there then go to Tumpang Market using other public transportation. Then from Tumpang Market, you can rent a jeep to the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park area.

Visit Bromo From Bali By Bus Or Private ?

Visit Mount Bromo from Bali are far enough away to require a 10 hour journey or more, if you have to be forced to choose this road then you have to depart from using public transportation buses to the direction of Surabaya, if you have bought a bus ticket to Surabaya then usually the price the ticket includes the Gili Manuk Harbor crossing to Ketapang Banyuwangi Harbor, if you have bought a bus ticket from Bali to Surabaya it doesn’t mean you have to get off in Surabaya but you can get off at Probolinggo City or Bayuangga Probolinggo terminal, from this terminal you can use public transportation go to Cemoro Lawang Probolinggo Regency with the terminal distance to Cemoro Lawang about 1 hour drive

Day 1: Bali Trip to Mount Bromo Tour

  • Pick up in the Bali area is better in the morning so you can enjoy the atmosphere of the morning trip from Bali to Mount Bromo via Ferry Harbor in Gilimanuk – Bali and Ferry Harbor in Ketapang – Banyuwangi (crossing the Bali Strait by ferry without a car). Arriving at Bromo you will also have more time to rest in accommodation around Mount Bromo. Trips or Tours from Bali to accommodation at Mount Bromo via Ferry Harbor in Gilimanuk – Bali and Ferry Harbor in Ketapang – Banyuwangi will take approximately 9-10 hours of travel / driving (depending on road conditions and situations, check the info,)
  • Arriving at the hotel / inn or accommodation in the Mount Bromo area (depending on your reservation), we will do the check-in process, rest and spend the night (stay)

Day 2: Mount Bromo tour & Transfer Out 

  • 03.00Am: Pick up at Bromo Hotel, 03.30Am: Take a jeep to enjoy Bromo tourism and its surroundings by visiting popular tourist attractions in the Bromo area such as; View Point Sunrise Bromo, Bromo Crater,, Widodaren Hill, Savannah (Teletubbies Hill), Whispering Sand and Path of Love
  • 08.30Am – 10.00Am : Return to your hotel or accommodation in the Bromo area by passing the same route as you did to reach the top of Mount Bromo. Arrive at the hotel, please enjoy your breakfast; take a shower and prepare to leave Mount Bromo to your accommodation or hotel in the Ijen Crater area – Banyuwangi.
  • 10.00Am – 05.00Pm : Leave the Mount Bromo area to reach your final destination to Surabaya, Banyuwangi or back to Bali

How To Stay In Mount Bromo?

How To Travel To VIsit Mount Bromo From Jakarta In

There are many residents around Bromo who offer homestays or simple inns that you can use to stay overnight. In fact, several star hotels have also appeared in Bromo, and you can find them online
Apart from homestays and hotels, for a more maximal experience, you can also camp around Mount Bromo! There are several spots that are allowed to be camping spots on Mount Bromo, namely Kingkong Hill, Love Hill, Mentigen Hill, and Seruni Point.

But of course, you have to ask permission from the National Park manager to be able to camp at these points.
For an easier camping experience, you can also book a tour package as well as camping on Mount Bromo which is now also available on Klook. In contrast to other tour packages which usually only take visitors to see the sunrise at Mount Bromo then climb to the top of this volcano, this tour plus camping package on Mount Bromo has a longer period of 2 days and 1 night, and provides visitors with various more value because it includes meals, tents, and other camping equipment.

Best Location To See Sunrise in Bromo

How To Travel To VIsit Mount Bromo From Jakarta In

There are at least 5 best locations to see the sunrise at Bromo. The six locations are:

  1. Penanjakan Peak
  2. Love Hill / Bukit Cinta
  3. Kingkong Hill
  4. Mentingen Hill
  5. Seruni Point Peak.

The 5 locations are located at six different points around Bromo, and offer different views when the sunrise.
If you are joining a Bromo tour package, you can see the itinerary in advance or ask the operator about the location to see the sunrise which is included in the tour you are participating in. But if you are traveling alone, you can choose the location to see the sunrise that suits you

Equipment That Must Be Brought To Go Up To Bromo

How To Travel To VIsit Mount Bromo From Jakarta In

1. Even though Mount Bromo is not as high as other mountains on the island of Java, the temperature around Mount Bromo is still very cold! So, make sure you bring warm clothes while on vacation to Bromo, and things like a jacket or sweater. Don’t be shy about using several layers of clothes at once to get rid of the cold.

2. For information, the temperature in Bromo is usually around 15 degrees Celsius during the day, while at night it can touch below 10 degrees Celsius! Moreover, you will have to be awake at dawn to see the sunrise, which is definitely the coldest time at night.

3. In addition, also prepare comfortable shoes to wear so you can climb to the top of Mount Bromo comfortably. Even though there are stairs, there are so many stairs so you will still sweat there. In addition, before taking the stairs, you also need to walk from the Mount Bromo parking area to the staircase area that passes through the sandy uphill area. So, shoes must be brought too.

Tour Packages To Mount Bromo And Its Surroundings

visit mount bromo from jakarta

If you want to see the sunrise from Mount Bromo and its surroundings, below, there are several links to the Bromo tour package. You can join this tour from Malang or Surabaya.

There are two tour options that you can take part in: private trip or open trip. If you go out with friends or want a private tour without strangers, a private trip is certainly the ideal choice. But if you are a solo traveler and are interested in meeting new people, you can choose to take an open trip.

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